Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina tot Bayshore Landing

Loggerhead Jachthaven - Palm Harbour Jachthaven

Distance - 267.1 Nm

Gemiddelde snelheid
5 knopen
10 knopen
20 knopen
30 knopen
Tijd Schatting
2 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes
1 day, 2 hours, 43 minutes
13 hours, 21 minutes
8 hours, 54 minutes
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Bayshore Landing with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

7080 Placida Road
Cape Haze

Contactgegevens voor Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

+1 (941) 697-4356
+1 (941) 697-4356
Brett Cherry, algemeen manager

Bayshore Landing


Contactgegevens voor Bayshore Landing

+1 (305) 854-7997
Raul Arcia

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Bayshore Landing

Embarking on a voyage from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina to Bayshore Landing is an adventure that promises beauty, thrills, and a touch of the serene. This itinerary is tailored for the enthusiastic boater who appreciates the blend of safety and excitement, with a keen eye for the natural splendor along Florida’s coastline.

Departure: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

Preparation and Safety Check

Before setting sail, ensure your vessel is in tip-top condition. Perform a safety check, ensuring all navigation equipment is operational, and familiarize yourself with the local maritime regulations. Weather checks are crucial; ensure you have a clear window for your journey.


This route will take you southward, hugging the coast while navigating the clear, inviting waters of the Gulf of Mexico. You'll be treated to sights of pristine beaches, bustling communities, and the opportunity to encounter Florida’s diverse marine life.

Nuttige plaatsen en beschutting

  • Honeymoon Island State Park: Not far from your starting point, this is an ideal first stop. Its calm waters make it a perfect spot for a bit of relaxation or a quick swim. Keep an eye on weather conditions; the island can provide shelter if needed.
  • Clearwater Bay: This area offers not only protection from rougher seas but also hosts Clearwater Marine Aquarium, a haven for marine life rehabilitation and a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts.
  • John’s Pass: As you navigate further south, consider a stop at John’s Pass for a unique blend of shopping, dining, and water sports. This lively area is great for stretching your legs and enjoying local flavors.

Notable Navigation Aids and Hazards

  • Buoys and Markers: Keep a vigilant watch for navigation aids, especially the system of buoys and markers designed to guide your path safely. The Intracoastal Waterway markers are particularly useful as you navigate closer to shore and through potentially congested areas.
  • Sandbars and Shallow Waters: Between Clearwater and St. Petersburg, be mindful of shifting sandbars and areas of shallow water. Consult the most recent nautical charts for the area and consider timing your passage with higher tides to avoid grounding.
  • Bridge Crossings: There are several bridges along the route, including the famous Sunshine Skyway Bridge as you approach Tampa Bay. Be aware of the clearance heights and open times for drawbridges.

Arrival: Bayshore Landing

The culmination of your journey, Bayshore Landing, offers a welcoming atmosphere for weary travelers. Ensure you communicate with the marina regarding your arrival time and any specific berthing instructions.

Waarom deze route?

This itinerary offers the perfect blend for boaters who thrive on a mix of scenic beauty, marine biodiversity, and the camaraderie of coastal communities. It caters to those who prefer a journey that combines the thrill of open-water cruising with the security of knowing shelter and points of interest are never too far off the beaten path.

Safety is prioritized, with ample opportunities to dock or anchor should conditions necessitate it, but without sacrificing the sense of adventure that draws so many to the open water. This route is a testament to the joys of boating, providing both the novice and the veteran with an experience that is as safe as it is exhilarating.

By planning with an eye toward both safety and the enjoyment of the journey, you ensure a trip that is fulfilling, memorable, and above all, a beckoning call to the sea that is hard for any boater to resist.

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