Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens naar Loggerhead Marina - Jachthaven St. Petersburg

Loggerhead Jachthaven - Palm Beach Gardens

Distance - 245.2 Nm

Gemiddelde snelheid
5 knopen
10 knopen
20 knopen
30 knopen
Tijd Schatting
2 days, 1 hour, 2 minutes
1 day, 31 minutes
12 hours, 16 minutes
8 uur, 10 minuten
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Suite 100
Palm Beach Gardens

Contactgegevens voor Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

+1 (561) 627-6358, kantoornummer, bereikbaar van 8.00 tot 17.00 uur
+1 (561) 646-0861, contact voor noodgevallen
MacKenzie McGuckin, algemeen manager

Loggerhead Marina - Jachthaven St.


Contactgegevens voor Loggerhead Marina - Jachthaven St.

+1 (727) 867-2600

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

Boat Trip Itinerary Plan: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens to Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina


This voyage takes you from the affluent surroundings of Palm Beach Gardens down the scenic coastline of Florida, through the heart of some of its most beautiful waterways, to the vibrant community of St. Petersburg. Primarily suited for seasoned sailors and yacht masters who relish in the combination of open sea navigation and the exploration of serene inland waters, this trip provides an unforgettable nautical adventure.

Starting Point: Loggerhead Marina - Palm Beach Gardens

Final Destination: Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

Phase 1: Palm Beach Gardens to Miami

  • Navigation: Depart Loggerhead Marina heading south along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), staying vigilant for pleasure craft and commercial traffic.
  • Points of Interest: Peanut Island near West Palm Beach offers a spot for anchorage and a chance to explore JFK's Cold War bunker.
  • Hazards: Pay close attention to the numerous drawbridges. Timings and clearances vary, so plan accordingly.
  • Shelter Bay: Lake Worth Lagoon acts as a good point for shelter, should weather conditions worsen.

Phase 2: Miami to the Keys

  • Navigation: Circle around the southern end of Key Biscayne, entering the Hawk Channel. This is where you transition from the protected ICW into the more open waters of the Atlantic, which requires careful weather monitoring.
  • Points of Interest: Stop at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park for its historic lighthouse and stunning beaches.
  • Hazards: Coral reefs along the Hawk Channel can be treacherous; keep an eye on the depth sounder and stay within marked channels.
  • Shelter Bay: Boot Key Harbor in Marathon offers excellent protection and provisioning opportunities.

Phase 3: The Keys to Southwest Florida

  • Navigation: Continue along the Hawk Channel before cutting back into the Gulf of Mexico via the Key West. Keep the weather on your side by choosing a weather window for this open sea passage.
  • Points of Interest: Key West, with its vibrant street life, historical sites, and famous sunsets, is a must-stop.
  • Hazards: The Gulf crossing can be unpredictable. Use reliable weather forecasting and plan for a daylight crossing.
  • Shelter Bay: Dry Tortugas offers a remote and spectacular anchorage, albeit without facilities. Suitable for self-sufficient boats only.

Phase 4: Southwest Florida to St. Petersburg

  • Navigation: Navigate the coastal waters of the Gulf, heading north toward St. Petersburg. This stretch often enjoys more stable weather but remains vigilant for afternoon thunderstorms common in this region.
  • Points of Interest: Sanibel Island is renowned for its shelling beaches and the historic Sanibel Lighthouse.
  • Hazards: Shallow waters near barrier islands require cautious navigation. Always refer to the most recent charts.
  • Shelter Bay: Charlotte Harbor provides ample shelter and is a worthwhile waypoint for rest and exploration.

Concluding at Loggerhead Marina - St. Petersburg Marina

Upon arriving at St. Petersburg, you are greeted with a vibrant arts scene, bustling waterfront, and warm community, offering a perfect end to your sailing adventure.

Important Considerations

  • Regulations: Familiarize yourself with local regulations, especially speed restrictions in manatee zones and fishing license requirements.
  • Navigational Aids: Ensure your onboard navigation systems are up to date. Carry a reliable source of NOAA charts, either paper or digital.
  • Weather Preparedness: The itinerary involves stretches of open sea navigation. Always monitor weather forecasts and be prepared to adjust your plans.
  • Safety Gear: Ensure your vessel is equipped with the necessary safety gear, including life jackets, VHF radio, flares, and first-aid supplies.


This route, balancing between the thrill of the open sea and the calm of inland waters, provides an unmatched opportunity to experience Florida's diverse marine environments. Perfect for adventurers who prioritize safety but have a keen eye for the beauty and excitement only accessible by boat, this journey promises an exquisite blend of navigational challenges and leisurely exploration.

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