savvy navvy Chartlet Terms of Use.

Wij weten dat u niet graag kleine juridische lettertjes leest, maar er zijn een aantal dingen die wij u moeten vertellen en andere waarmee u moet instemmen. We hebben geprobeerd het kort te houden - hier gaan we:

Aanvaarding van de voorwaarden

This bit is easy: by embedding savvy navvy’s Chartlet on your website, you acknowledge you have read and agree with these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, you are not permitted to embed the Chartlet.

We may change these terms of use from time to time to respond to changes in the law, to meet supplier requirements or due to changes in the Chartlet itself. We will of course notify you of any changes in advance.

Gelieve ons te vertellen over alles wat u bezighoudt in de voorwaarden, want wij zijn altijd op zoek naar manieren om te verbeteren.

De dienst

The savvy navvy Chartlet (“the service”) allows you to bring beautiful savvy charts to your website to indicate a location at sea or on land or share a location or area in an article or blog post.

Our charts and other data sources may change over time. Some parts of the service may occasionally not be available due to circumstances beyond our control. We will be adding to and updating the features, look-and-feel and data content of the service, so expect to see changes! We do our best to test our online service on as many devices and operating systems as is practical, but we cannot guarantee that our service will work on any specific device. If you do encounter problems, please let us know.

Permitted Use

Subject to these terms, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive right to access the service. When accessing the service, you agree to comply with these terms, applicable laws, regulations, and any additional policies or guidelines provided by savvy navvy. The availability of the service, features, or parts thereof may vary, and savvy navvy reserves the right to modify, suspend, or disable access to the service at any time without notice.

You acknowledge that savvy navvy makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of location data or any other data displayed by the service. The service is provided on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis.

Onze overeenkomst met u wordt beheerst door de wetten van Engeland en Wales.


We offer the service free of charge until otherwise agreed. As the service grows and our data sources change, we may need to change the amount or structure of our agreement from time to time, including in specific geographical locations. If this happens, we will notify you in advance and seek explicit agreement for any charges. 

Chartlet Activity

To improve our service, we track some activity to analyse how our service is being used. To understand how we use this data, please see our Privacy Policy.

Using The Savvy Chartlet

We grant you permission to use the savvy Chartlet for your personal or business use. You may not make copies, alter, decompile, disassemble or reverse-engineer our software. If you do manage to reverse-engineer our software, drop us a line: if we don’t sue you, we might want to hire you ;-).

You may not remove or obscure any copyright or trademark notices from the service. You may not copy, sell, trade or resell any of the data or services we provide to you. You may not imply affiliation or endorsement. You may not display in specific contexts such as adult content or illegal activities, and any other context we may determine unfit. You may not challenge savvy navvy's brand features or attempt to register features that may cause confusion. 

That’s a pile of ‘may nots’, but the explicit intent is to ensure mutual respect for our brands.

Als u een affiliate of partnerschap voorstel heeft, stuur ons dan een bericht op

Marketing Licence

Throughout the duration of this agreement, you grant savvy navvy a non-exclusive, global, and royalty-free licence to utilise your brand features and your content for promotional purposes. This may include showcasing your marks in presentations, marketing materials, customer lists, financial reports, website listings (including links to your website), and the creation of marketing or advertising materials featuring screenshots of the service where your content is highlighted. Your cooperation in this regard is greatly appreciated.

Onaangenaam zijn

Het is jammer dat we dit nog moeten zeggen, maar we zullen niet tolereren dat discriminerende of anderszins verwerpelijke inhoud wordt gepost, gedeeld of anderszins openbaar gemaakt via de dienst of op onze sociale mediapagina's. Dit omvat, maar is niet beperkt tot, discriminatie op basis van ras, nationale of etnische afkomst, leeftijd, religie, handicap, geslacht, genderexpressie of gendervoorkeur, evenals schadelijke, bedreigende, opruiende, intimiderende, vulgaire, onwettige, lasterlijke, inbreukmakende, beledigende, obscene, frauduleuze of privacyschendende inhoud. savvy navvy zal u niet discrimineren als u gebruikmaakt van uw recht om af te zien van het verstrekken van persoonlijke gegevens voor gebruik in prestatiebeheer of voor wederverkoop, of als u ons verzoekt uw account te verwijderen.  

We retain the right to suspend your use of the Chartlet and remove any content without further notice if we deem it to be unlawful and/or in violation of this agreement.


You have the right to remove the Chartlet from your website any time. We reserve the right to terminate your use of the Chartlet without reason at any given time.

Keeping our Terms of Use up to date

As the savvy navvy service grows and governing laws change from time to time, we will occasionally need to update these terms. We will give you notice via the service or via email so that you can review the new Terms of Use. If they are not acceptable to you, you may remove the Chartlet embed from your website. Continued usage of the service will mean you have accepted the new terms and have agreed to be bound by them.

Auteursrechtlicenties en erkenningen

De savvy navvy dienst gebruikt gegevens uit vele bronnen, waarvan de meeste ons gevraagd hebben om belangrijke licentie- of andere informatie door te geven die zij u willen laten weten. Wij bewaren die informatie hier: Mededelingen van derden. De bronnen en de tekst zullen van tijd tot tijd veranderen. Lees ze aandachtig door.

Last updated: 17 Jan 2024