Miami to Bahamas

Gemiddelde snelheid
5 knopen
10 knopen
20 knopen
30 knopen
Tijd Schatting
35 hr 12 min
17 hr 36 min
8 hr 48 min
5 hr 52 min

Miami to Bahamas by boat

Depart from Miami: Begin your journey from a marina or boat ramp in Miami, such as the Miami Beach Marina or the Crandon Park Marina. Ensure that your boat is equipped with all the necessary safety equipment and that you have the required documentation for international travel.

Head east across the Gulf Stream: Leave Miami and head east across the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is a powerful ocean current, so plan your departure time and route carefully to ensure a smoother crossing. Monitor weather conditions and sea state, as they can affect the crossing.

Clear customs and immigration: Before entering the Bahamas, you must clear customs and immigration. This typically involves visiting a designated port of entry. The closest port of entry from Miami is usually Bimini, located just over 50 miles off the coast of Florida. Ensure you have all the required documentation, including passports, vessel registration, and crew information.

Navigate through the Bahamas: Once you have cleared customs, you can start exploring the Bahamas. The exact route will depend on the specific islands you wish to visit. Popular destinations include Nassau, the Exumas, the Abacos, and the Berry Islands. The Bahamas offer stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a wealth of marine life for snorkeling, diving, and fishing.

Anchor or dock at your chosen destinations: The Bahamas provide numerous anchorages, marinas, and mooring facilities throughout the islands. Research the specific destinations you plan to visit and make reservations if necessary. Be aware of any local regulations, such as fishing or anchoring restrictions.

Return to Miami: When it's time to return to Miami, plan your route back across the Gulf Stream. Monitor weather conditions and choose a suitable weather window for a safe crossing. Follow the necessary procedures for re-entering the United States, including clearing customs and immigration upon your return.

Bahamas Weather Information

Miami to Bahamas route information

Bimini: Bimini is the closest Bahamian island to Miami and a popular destination for boaters. Known for its clear blue waters and abundant marine life, Bimini offers excellent opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and fishing.

Gulf Stream: The Gulf Stream is a powerful ocean current that flows through the Straits of Florida. It's essential to be aware of its presence and plan your route accordingly. The Gulf Stream can significantly affect your boat's speed, fuel consumption, and overall navigation. Be prepared for its strong currents and potential for rougher seas.

Immigration and Customs: When crossing the international border into the Bahamas, you'll need to go through customs and immigration procedures. Ensure you have the necessary documentation, including passports, boat registration, and crew information, to facilitate a smooth entry into the Bahamas.

Berry Islands: As you venture further into the Bahamas, the Berry Islands present an opportunity to explore pristine beaches, coral reefs, and secluded anchorages. The Great Stirrup Cay, one of the Berry Islands, is a private island with beautiful beaches and watersports activities.

Nassau: The capital city of the Bahamas, Nassau, offers a vibrant mix of colonial charm and modern amenities. Visit the historic forts, shop at the Straw Market, or indulge in local cuisine and entertainment. Nassau is a popular stopover point for boaters and offers various marinas and services.

Exuma Cays: The Exuma Cays are a chain of islands renowned for their stunning beauty and crystal-clear waters. Explore the famous swimming pigs at Big Major Cay, snorkel at Thunderball Grotto (featured in James Bond movies), and relax on the picturesque beaches of the Exumas.

Andros Island: Andros Island is the largest of the Bahamas' islands and offers diverse ecosystems, including blue holes, mangrove forests, and extensive bonefishing flats. It's a paradise for nature enthusiasts and anglers seeking a more secluded and untouched experience.

Weather and Navigation: Be mindful of the weather conditions and plan your sailing itinerary accordingly. Monitor weather forecasts, pay attention to wind and wave conditions, and exercise caution when navigating unfamiliar waters. Seek local knowledge and updated charts to ensure a safe and enjoyable voyage.

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